Who We Are

Ray of Hope Christian Church

Ray of Hope Christian Church is
affiliated with the Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)


Disciples of Christ 
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is a Protestant denomination of approximately 800,000 members in the United States and Canada. It is one of the largest faith groups founded on American soil.

Disciples Traditions : The Confession of Faith 
Jesus asked the apostle Peter, “Who do you say I am?” and Simon Peter responded, “ You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” This profound confession became the model by which all generations of Christians have expressed their faith. Like generation upon generation before, you stand in front of the fellowship of Disciples and listen to the ageless invitation of the Pastor, “Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and do you accept him as your personal Lord and Savior?” With peace, firmness, and commitment, you respond, “I Do!” With that confession, your Christian life begins.

What We Believe
As members of the Christian Church, we confess that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God and proclaim Him Lord and Savior of the world. In Christ’s name and by His grace, we accept our mission of witness and service to all people. We rejoice in God, maker of heaven and earth, and in the covenant of love, which binds us to God and one another. Through baptism into Christ, we enter into newness of life and are made one with the whole people of God. In the communion of the Holy Spirit, we are joined together in discipleship and in obedience to Christ. At the table of the Lord, we celebrate with thanksgiving the saving acts and presence of Christ. Within the universal church, we receive the gifts of ministry and the light of scripture. In the bonds of Christian faith, we yield ourselves to God that we may serve the one whose Kingdom has no end. Blessings, glory, and honor be to God forever. Amen.

What you may expect from the church 
You now belong to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and to the whole people of God united in a common faith. What expectations do you have of this fellowship? The church is a company of believers. You will receive, in their presence, the grace of God through baptism. It is the place where you will receive renewal of your faith through the breaking of bread each Sunday and through worship. The members of this congregation will provide a caring community that will sustain you and help you hold fast to your course. The church will be present to sanctify the critical events of your family life. It will serve as the vehicle through which you can channel your witness and service to Christ. Finally, the church will continue to educate the life of your faith through study. You, therefore, can expect much and you will receive much from this church.

What the church expects from you 
On becoming a member of the Ray of Hope Christian Church, each one covenants to love, honor, and esteem the Pastor; to pray for her, to recognize her authority in spiritual affairs of the church; to cherish a love for all members of the church; to support the church in prayer, regular giving of tithes and offerings, regular church attendance, and with other financial support as the Lord enables for ministry advancement such as outreach, spreading the gospel, feeding the poor, etc., and in accordance with scripture, support through a lifestyle which affirms the beliefs and practices of the church.

How Ministry Works

Senior Pastor 
The Senior Pastor is the spiritual leader and Chief Executive Officer of the congregation. In cooperation with the Presbytery, the Senior Pastor encourages and works toward orderly procedures in the life and work of the church. The Senior Pastor is responsible for providing spiritual oversight to the congregation through the preaching and teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ while promoting the vision and mission of Ray of Hope Christian Church.

Presbytery – Ruling Elders 
The Presbytery is made of Elders who are appointed by the Senior Pastor to jointly oversee the affairs of the congregation. The Ruling Elders give advice and counsel to the Senior Pastor; consider and recommend general policies to the congregation; transact business of the church, establish the annual budget of the church for presentation to the congregation, receive reports from the Senior Pastor, ministries and various organizations of the church.

The Ministers are clergy persons whose ordinations or licenses have been recognized by the Senior Pastor. Ministers also include persons who are being prepared for licensure or ordination and who display Godly lives of integrity, having acknowledged their call to ministry by pursuing their seminary education. The Ministers have proven to be faithful and active members of the church.

Pastoral Elders 
The Pastoral Elders primary responsibility is to provide spiritual oversight to the congregation in partnership with the Senior Pastor. The Pastoral Elders promote the spiritual growth and welfare of the church; give spiritual guidance to the members with respect to regular attendance at the Lord’s Supper, serve at the Lord’s Table as assigned, take communion to those who cannot attend church and to others who request it or would appreciate it. The Pastoral Elders visit the sick and shut-in; give concern for the morally delinquent and spiritually indifferent, encourage by example and word the missionary, evangelistic, educational and stewardship responsibilities of the church.

The Deacons are persons appointed by the Senior Pastor to represent Christ and His Church, particularly as a servant of those in need; and to assist the Senior Pastor in the proclamation of the Gospel and the administration of the sacraments. Deacons are the eyes, ears, hands, arms, and feet of the Senior Pastor. The Deacon serves in harmony with the Senior Pastor and the Elders to build up the Kingdom of God and to care for the congregation.

Ministry Councils 
The volunteers are appointed by staff ministers and approved by the Senior Pastor with responsibilities for initiating and coordinating the program and work of the church. The Ministry Council also provide the spiritual, social, and service opportunities for the church.