Our Ministries

Ray of Hope Christian Church

College Students

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?…”  Isaiah 43:19

The Cultivate College Ministry is inspired by the long-standing tradition at Ray of Hope of mentoring and training new and young leaders for the work of ministry in the church and in the world. Cultivate is a place where the seeds of potential will be planted, nurtured, and cultivated into trees that will bear the fruit of righteousness that all of creation hungers and thirsts for.

Cultivate is a ministry where college students have opportunities to journey alongside peers and mentors, in monthly gatherings. Together they will discover and explore the multiplicity of ways in which God is calling this new generation to use their many unique gifts. The goal is to prepare an equip college students to gain tremendous influence and to make a transformative impact in this world for the common good of all people.